History of Coal Mining in Nova Scotia
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Louis Frost
No. 7
Lloyd's Cove

The Louis Frost Notes 1685 to 1962


Alexander, or No. 7 Colliery

This was a slope mine opened by two parallel slopes on the 18th of September 1920, from the outcrop of the Lloyd's Cove Seam.

The distance between the mouth of the slope and the shore line is 2400 feet. The development of the slopes was stopped when they had reached a distance of 2,150 feet from the entry.

Work at this colliery was discontinued on September lst, 1923.

The coal near the surface was 5'6" thick but thinned to an average of 4 feet 6 ins. in the workings, which were room and pillar. The maximum extent of the workings was 500 feet on each side of the main slopes.

During its life the colliery produced 94,695 long tons.

All the workings on the Lloyd's Cove Seam in the Sydney Mines area covered a total area of 499.0 acres and produced 1,304,268 long tons as below:-

Lloyd's Cove, or No. 2(Submarine)           922,764
Lloyd's Cove, Land Area                      17,748
Alexander, or No. 7, Land Area               94,695
No. 7 Mine (Stripping and under Land Area)  269,061

GRAND  T 0 T A L                          1,304,268

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Last Modified: 98-01-06

Authored by: Louis Frost

The information contained on this site is not provided for the purpose of factual
representation. Instead, it is provided in an historical context. Every effort has
been made to ensure that this information represents the actual content of the
original document authored by Louis Frost for the Dominion Coal Company
on or around 1962. Nevertheless, no warranties are provided in any respect.

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